
Andrew Gray - Everyday Mentor

Get proven wisdom and practical strategies for becoming healthy and sustainable in your Inner-Life where all growth and development begins. Each week I will send you actionable tips to help you transform your life mentally, emotionally, relationally & spiritually.

footprints on the sand during daytime
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EVERYDAY MENTOR - Andrew Gray - 69th Edition

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome back to the Everyday Mentor newsletter after my short break. It's great to be writing to you again. It's also great to be doing so, on the other side of a short break. This newsletter is all about strengthening your Inner-Life Health & Sustainability. In that regard, I try to 'practice what I preach' Taking short breaks from writing is just as important as actually writing. You see, the joy of life is in the contrast. We are wired for it. Even...

white and black graffiti on wall

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome back to the EM Newsletter. I trust you are doing well in your journey towards Inner-Life Health & Sustainability. A quick correction from last weeks article: I wrote that "the external is dictated by the external" It should have read "the external is dictated by the internal" "How To CARE LESS About Other People's Opinions" The very first thing to know on this subject is that the large majority of people will struggle at some point in their...

a traffic light with a detour sign above it

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome to the 67th edition of the Everyday Mentor! I hope the read is enjoyable and beneficial. :) "Effective Behaviour Modification" I want to present what I believe to be the most important truth regarding behaviour modification. Whether we are talking about a parent raising a child, or an individual trying to improve their own life, or an employer trying to adjust the conduct of their staff members . . . behaviour modification will be most...

A person riding an escalator in a subway station

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome to another edition. I write to you each week with a passion to support your thinking, and strengthen your Inner-Life Health & Sustainability. Wisdom is the key to life, and even just one transformative revelation can set your life on fire and get you growing like never before! "The Fast Track" What would it mean for you to identify a way to reach your goals more effectively, and in shorter time? I'm sure it would make a dramatic difference to...

MacBook beside iPhone X on brown table

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome one and all. Thanks for being here for another edition of the Everyday Mentor Newsletter. Especially warm welcome to all new subscribers who have joined over the past week. I'm so glad you're here! I have another simple idea for your consideration today. This one is vital for achieving the Inner-Life Health & Sustainability we all aspire to. "The Fallacy of Non-Stop Growth" If you're anything like me, you are probably sick and tired of the...

gray and black vinyl turn table

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome to the latest edition of Everyday Mentor! Today is a very brief encouragement to you all. Hopefully it hits the mark for many of you. Let's get into it. "Originally You" Life is way too short to waste it on being a cheap copycat of somebody else, including a manufactured version of you. In the same way that a cheap cover of a great song, is an insult to the original composer . . . So too is being a cheap copycat of another person to your...

three pens on white paper

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome back to the Everyday Mentor Newsletter for another week! I'm so encouraged by the feedback I receive from you guys each week. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to send a quick reply. I love hearing from you! If you are relatively new here, as are many of my new subscribers from the USA, welcome and thanks for reading. "Productivity & Inner-Life Health" There is so much information in today’s world about productivity. There is no...

green leafed plants during daytime

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader A warm welcome once again to everyone reading, especially my newest subscribers! I am so glad you have joined the Everyday Mentor newsletter where I aim to bring health, strength and sustainability to your Inner-Life. Without doubt, this is where all success in life stems from. "Producer Mode is a 2-Way Switch" I need to start by qualifying what I mean by the phrase 'Producer Mode' Simply put, to be in producer mode, or to be a producer (in this...

wing mirror reflecting road on desert

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader A special welcome to new subscribers, especially those in the USA! Thank you for being here and reading along. I trust that your Inner-Life Health & Sustainability will be tangibly boosted by what I write for you each week! "Make Friends with Reflection" Although you are reading this on a Tuesday morning (GMT +10), I am writing this for you on a Monday. And for me, this Monday is the 3rd anniversary of my Father's death. It's a challenging &...

black iPhone 7

Everyday Mentor Andrew Gray Hello Reader Welcome back to another dose of Inner-Life Health & Sustainability tips folks. Trusting these thoughts will add benefit to your daily! "YOU The Coach" A simple thought today to empower you with a sense of what you are capable of, and the power that lives within you. Your choices, your thoughts, your self-talk, your willpower, your self-discipline are the ONLY non-negotiable, potentially most important members of the Coaching staff responsible for...