EVERYDAY MENTOR - Andrew Gray - 60th Edition

Everyday Mentor

Andrew Gray

Hello Reader

Welcome back to another dose of Inner-Life Health & Sustainability tips folks. Trusting these thoughts will add benefit to your daily!

"YOU The Coach"

A simple thought today to empower you with a sense of what you are capable of, and the power that lives within you.

Your choices, your thoughts, your self-talk, your willpower, your self-discipline are the ONLY non-negotiable, potentially most important members of the Coaching staff responsible for leading "YOU (Inc.)"

As most of you know, I am a HUGE advocate for seeking out skilful Mentors in your life (one of the Mentoring programs I offer is positioned below) to guide you, and help you navigate towards your goals.

I am constantly reminding people that the question of WHO rather than HOW, is often a faster path to transformation.

However, none of the available resources will mean anything unless you become an active member of your own coaching staff!

Your voice is powerful. Your choices have impact. When you tell you to do it, things change!

Today is a day to realise and/or be reminded that you are an autonomous person with tremendous agency. You have the power to choose. You are the BOSS of your decisions. Make the most of it!

In my own life, I am making a concentrated effort to choose positive thoughts. I have the power to select this option.

I am trying to keep myself aware of not adopting stress created by others.

I have the power to select this option.

As a middle aged man, I understand the increasing value of health & fitness.

I have the power to select this option.

How about you? What are you reminded to choose today? Have you been allowing circumstances, or other people to direct the autonomy of the choices that are yours to enjoy?

A$77.00 / month

Everyday Growth Mentor

This online Mentoring Program (cohort) is exclusively for people NOT currently in a Senior Leadership or Management... Read more

Until next Tuesday, have a great week!

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Andrew Gray - Everyday Mentor

Get proven wisdom and practical strategies for becoming healthy and sustainable in your Inner-Life where all growth and development begins. Each week I will send you actionable tips to help you transform your life mentally, emotionally, relationally & spiritually.

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