EVERYDAY MENTOR - Andrew Gray - 67th Edition

Everyday Mentor

Andrew Gray

Hello Reader

Welcome to the 67th edition of the Everyday Mentor!

I hope the read is enjoyable and beneficial. :)

"Effective Behaviour Modification"

I want to present what I believe to be the most important truth regarding behaviour modification.

Whether we are talking about a parent raising a child, or an individual trying to improve their own life, or an employer trying to adjust the conduct of their staff members . . . behaviour modification will be most effective, and most evergreen when the actions are based on the following transformative truth.

"Behaviour is never changed by addressing behaviour. Behaviour is always an extension of a core belief. If you want to change the behaviour, you must focus your energy on shifting the belief"

Most of the time, other people will not know your motive for why you deem a change in behaviour is necessary, nor do they need to know.

What matters, is that you understand that underneath every undesirable behaviour is a hidden core belief that gave birth to the visible behaviour.

As is true with so many aspects of our lives, the external is dictated by the external. If you don't like the fruit, you better start by dealing with the root.

Effectively 'dealing with the root' starts with these important exploratory questions;

  • What is the actual core belief driving this undesirable behaviour?
  • How did it get in the person in the first place?
  • How do I present a win / win scenario to the other person so they are internally motivated to seek change?
  • What 'replacement beliefs' will be necessary to ensure the perpetuity of the positive change effected?

I hope this helps somebody in some way today!

Until next Tuesday, have a great week!

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Andrew Gray - Everyday Mentor

Get proven wisdom and practical strategies for becoming healthy and sustainable in your Inner-Life where all growth and development begins. Each week I will send you actionable tips to help you transform your life mentally, emotionally, relationally & spiritually.

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